• The Graduate Center’s Internal Deadline is Monday, January 4, 2016, 5pm.  Students who wish to be considered must submit a completed application (along with supporting materials) to Rachel Sponzo in the Office of the Provost (Room 8113).  Students should submit the application and supporting documents in hard copy (single-sided, no staples), along with sealed copies of reference letters and transcripts.  The applications will be reviewed by the Graduate Center to determine which three will be forwarded to the Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund for the national competition.
    Below are the general guidelines. Attached is the complete application.
    If you have questions, please contact Rachel Sponzo (rsponzo@gc.cuny.edu; 212-817-7282).
    Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund – Conditions for 2016-2017
    CANDIDATE Qualifications
    1. Fellowships are available to students who are currently enrolled in and pursuing a graduate degree at a designated institution of higher learning located in the United States of America.   Undergraduate students are no longer qualified candidates.
    2. The program of study being pursued by the candidate may include any recognized field of study in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences (including law, medicine, engineering, architecture or other formal professional training).   The selection committee has a strong preference for supporting scholarly endeavors.
    3. The candidate must have received a baccalaureate degree at the time of application and have an outstanding undergraduate record.
    4. The candidate must demonstrate a need for financial assistance. 
    5. The candidate must be a citizen of the United States of America.
    6. The candidate may be of any national descent or background.
    The Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund was established by the Will of Dolores Zohrab Liebmann and is administered by JPMorgan, Trustee.  Mrs. Liebmann was the daughter of a prominent Armenian intellectual, writer and statesman and was married to one of the owners of a successful American business.  She supported students and educational and charitable organizations during her lifetime.  Mrs. Liebmann’s primary concern, as expressed in her Will, was to attract and support students with outstanding character and ability who hold promise for achievement and distinction in their chosen fields of study.  The trustees welcome applications from students of all national origins who are United States citizens.

    Application and Details: DZL combined

  • Want to earn up to $15 an hour?

    You can make money for participating in
    psychology & neuroscience experiments!!

    For more information, please e-mail

    You will receive an automated email response that will inform
    you of our on-going research studies at CUNY and request further
    information from you.

    Note: Eligible participants have to be at least 18 years old.

    CUNY Integrated IRB Protocol# 2015-0981


    Jeremy D. Fesi, Ph.D.
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow
    Department of Psychology
    The City University of New York

  • Psychology students – the Psychology Executive Office has modest funds available to support our burgeoning social media/web activities to both better serve our current students and to help us in reaching potential applicants.

    Each position pays $1500 for the academic year, from now through June, 2016.

    The first position will focus on our Twitter feed, and will assist us in keeping an active Twitter presence, in advertising events, student and faculty accomplishments, and in thinking about ways to more effectively use the Twitter feed.

    The second position will focus on other social media, such as Facebook, Livestream of Psychology events, CUNY Commons, etc.

    We are looking for students with both interest AND expertise in these activities, so please send me a short statement of interest and qualification at moconnor@gc.cuny.edu.

    This was an unexpected opportunity, so funds must be allocated SOON. Please send me an email with your interest by Friday, Oct. 30, 5:00p.

    Email me with any questions.  I look forward to hearing from interested students,


    Maureen O’Connor, J.D., Ph.D.

    Professor of Psychology, John Jay College, and
    Executive Officer, Doctoral Program in Psychology

    The Graduate Center, CUNY




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